At my OB appointment on Wed, March 21 I was 158.8 lbs, 2.5 cm, stripped membranes, 50% effaced, -2 station. So in total, I gained 37 pounds which is 3 pounds more than I gained with Ian.
i’m in labor
My contractions started on: Wednesday, March 21, 2012
At this time: 7:30pm (only 4 hours after my membranes were stripped at my OB appt)
They were this far apart: 5 minutes
They lasted this long: 30-50 seconds
They felt like: extreme pain!
I knew it was really labor because: the contractions were regular, growing in intensity and were close together. At first I was in denial I was really in labor because I thought my contractions were only lasting about 10 seconds but when Nathan started timing them, they were in fact at least 30 seconds long.
When contractions started I was here: at home in kitchen
I was doing this: eating dinner
I was with: Nathan and Ian
The weather was: hot and muggy (about 70°)
The last thing I ate was: pierogies
When I realized I was in labor, I felt: extremely surprised. I didn’t think having my membranes stripped was going to work since it only works for 50%. I was also very worried for Ian realizing it was the last time it was going to be just me and him and that the next time I would see him, he would be a big brother and how much his life (and mine) was going to change. I also felt not ready mentally.
I called my practitioner at: 8:10pm
I received the following instructions: “We will call you back.” The nurse asked if my contractions were happening for at least 1.5 hours and I said, oh no, the hospital is about 45 minutes away so I wasn’t willing to wait that long. After she called me back, the instructions were: “Go to the hospital.” I couldn’t believe it! I was about to meet my baby!
I passed the time at home by: packing last minute things for myself and Ian, changing, folding laundry, and calling Melissa to let her know I was dropping Ian off soon.
I got there by: car. We left around 8:45pm, dropped off Ian (he cried which in turn made me cry) and got to the hospital at 9:30pm. Thankfully at that time of night there was no traffic.
Text messages after family and friends were informed I was in labor and heading to the hospital:
Mom: This is soooooo exciting! I'm praying for a quick labor I LOVE YOU MY SWEETIE!
Angela Helge: No way! Really? How do you know???.. No way! Are you leaving?.. OMG!!!!!! I can't believe I am here getting ready for bed and you are having a baby soon. So crazy. Hope all is going smoothly.
Douglas Craig: Hey awesome. Really looking forward to finding out the gender and the name. If possible please text me or have Nathan do it regardless of time.
Tara Craig: Yeah! At least it is good timing with Nathan being home. Is your mom watching Ian? You might have the baby on my mom's birthday.
Karla Sullivan: Thinking of you sweeting. Waiting for news of Zoi arriving. Love you all. Give the boys a kiss for me. Xxxooo
Cheryl Foster: Oh how exciting. Good luck. Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl.
Chipper Sullivan: Omg! Good luck / congrats!!! Can't wait to see that beautiful baby!
Sally Foster: Oh my goodness!!! Ahhhh! Good luck and sending prayers your way!
Lindsey Emerson: Hahaaahavahsgdgsgd Laura and I are screaming. Laura just left the car running in the driveway and rain inside to screaming to tell everyone!!! (I'm also thrilled to hear this glorious news!) Congrats, love you and good luck!!!
Hilarie Leone: Oh yay! I can't wait to know what it is! Let me know! Eeeeeeee!
Melissa Murphy: Best of luck. We will take great care of your boy!You are going to do great! Hugs!
Kelsey Mukai: Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I am beyond excited!!!!!!! I won't be able to sleep! Keep me updated even if it is two in the morning!!!! I want to come visit you too!!! Good luck you will do amazing! Let me know if you need ANYTHING and I actually took the day off tomorrow, how perfect!
Beth Lamfers: Yay, so excited. Has your water broke? Please keep me updated.
Jessica Fennelly: Oh yes! This is so exciting! I'm sending loving vibes your way :)
Gail Heneghan: Oh my God! Best of luck and please give me details when you can! I am so happy for you right now!
Julie Waltz: Yayayayayay!!!!! I'm so excited for you! Xoxoxoxoxo
Text messages after family and friends were informed I was in labor and heading to the hospital:
Mom: This is soooooo exciting! I'm praying for a quick labor I LOVE YOU MY SWEETIE!
Angela Helge: No way! Really? How do you know???.. No way! Are you leaving?.. OMG!!!!!! I can't believe I am here getting ready for bed and you are having a baby soon. So crazy. Hope all is going smoothly.
Douglas Craig: Hey awesome. Really looking forward to finding out the gender and the name. If possible please text me or have Nathan do it regardless of time.
Tara Craig: Yeah! At least it is good timing with Nathan being home. Is your mom watching Ian? You might have the baby on my mom's birthday.
Karla Sullivan: Thinking of you sweeting. Waiting for news of Zoi arriving. Love you all. Give the boys a kiss for me. Xxxooo
Cheryl Foster: Oh how exciting. Good luck. Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl.
Chipper Sullivan: Omg! Good luck / congrats!!! Can't wait to see that beautiful baby!
Sally Foster: Oh my goodness!!! Ahhhh! Good luck and sending prayers your way!
Lindsey Emerson: Hahaaahavahsgdgsgd Laura and I are screaming. Laura just left the car running in the driveway and rain inside to screaming to tell everyone!!! (I'm also thrilled to hear this glorious news!) Congrats, love you and good luck!!!
Hilarie Leone: Oh yay! I can't wait to know what it is! Let me know! Eeeeeeee!
Melissa Murphy: Best of luck. We will take great care of your boy!You are going to do great! Hugs!
Kelsey Mukai: Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I am beyond excited!!!!!!! I won't be able to sleep! Keep me updated even if it is two in the morning!!!! I want to come visit you too!!! Good luck you will do amazing! Let me know if you need ANYTHING and I actually took the day off tomorrow, how perfect!
Beth Lamfers: Yay, so excited. Has your water broke? Please keep me updated.
Jessica Fennelly: Oh yes! This is so exciting! I'm sending loving vibes your way :)
Gail Heneghan: Oh my God! Best of luck and please give me details when you can! I am so happy for you right now!
Julie Waltz: Yayayayayay!!!!! I'm so excited for you! Xoxoxoxoxo
my labor and delivery
first stage: labor
First (Early or Latent) Phase of Labor
First phase began: March 21 at 7:30pm since they were already 5 minutes apart
How I felt physically: exhausted, in a lot of pain
How I felt emotionally: freaking out, scared, anxious
I arrived at the hospital at: 9:30pm
When I arrived, here is what happened: I had to sign papers which was hard in itself since I was having contractions, then I went to the triage room for about 30 seconds. They realized I was in a lot of pain and probably further along so they then put me into a delivery room. When I was checked, I was 4cm dilated (I was 2.5cm at my 3pm appointment earlier that day).
What I ate: nothing
What I drank: nothing
What I did between contractions: talked to Nathan, got ready to leave the house, called family members
Second (Active) Phase of Labor
Second phase of labor began: March 21 at 9:45pm
How many hours from beginning of labor: 2 hours
How I felt physically:
How I felt emotionally:.
I managed the pain of labor by: screaming and crying.
What I did between contractions: ate ice chips and was soothed by Nathan and my nurse, Nancy.
Medical interventions, if any: I was asked if I wanted an epidural yet and I said no. Then 5 minutes later, I said, yes, I want it now. Unfortunately, I had to have the epidural administered twice (both times Nathan was not allowed in the room) because the first time it only worked for the left side of my body. I kept feeling contractions on my right side. The anesthesiologist tried to adjust it but it just didn’t work so he had to do it again. Luckily, it didn’t hurt nearly as much the second time. The first time it was done at 10:15pm and the second at 11:30pm.
Other notes: At 12:45am my water was artificially broken by the doctor as she checked my progress. She just did it with her fingers and said a ton of water came out. At that point I was 6cm, 80% effaced and at -1 station. Then at 1:10am I was 7cm and at 0 station. I kept having the nurse and doctor come in because I felt like the baby was ready to come out. I felt so much pressure and was ready to push. I was not able to sleep because of all this but luckily Nathan got maybe 45 minutes of sleep. My nurse, Nancy was absolutely wonderful. And I had Dr. Lily Wu (the one who broke my water). She was a resident.
Third (Transitional) Phase of Labor
Third phase began: March 22 around 1:30am (when I was 8cm dilated)
How many hours from beginning of labor: 6 hours
How I felt physically: awful. Felt like I could no longer handle all the pain.
How I felt emotionally: beyond ready to meet my baby and be done with all the pain
What I did between contractions: ate ice chips and was soothed by Nathan and my nurse, Nancy.
second stage: delivery
I began pushing at: 2:10am when I was 9.5cm. Again, I had an anterior lip which was causing me not to get to 10cm so they had my push anyways.
I pushed in these positions: inclined, legs up. Nathan held my right foot and the back of my head so it was easier for me to push my chin into my chest. Nancy held under my left leg and I held under my right leg. Pretty much exactly the same way I did it when delivering Ian.
I pushed for this long: about 20 minutes
How I felt physically: Absolutely exhausted since I got no sleep. I wanted to give up. I was in so much pain and kept saying I couldn’t do it. I felt bowel movements and so much pressure. Nathan and Nancy kept reassuring me that I could do it.
Who cut the cord: Nathan
Other notes: It was so much harder this time. I felt everything like I didn’t even have an epidural. In the room was Dr. Wu and Dr. Dorene Neptune-Hammond, Nancy, Nathan and another nurse who came in just seconds before I delivered.
the birth
My baby was born at: 2:30am
She was: 7 pounds, 14 ounces – smaller than predicted! Dr. Shafi thought at least 8.5 pounds as did Dr. Wu. She was 20 inches long.
My baby was delivered by: Dr. Dorene Neptune-Hammond, a doctor I had never met before.
How I felt physically: So relieved to finally have her out but still felt pressure of the placenta and bowel movements. Dr. Neptune-Hammond was assisting Dr. Wu as she stitched me up showing her how to make it perfect (they kept saying Dr. Neptune-Hammond was like the plastic surgeon of OBGYN’s because she always wants to put things back together just like they were before). I appreciated that but it took such a long time and it was pretty uncomfortable. I just wanted them to finish up. I was also relieved once the placenta was delivered.
How I felt emotionally: Ecstatic!!! I couldn’t believe she was actually here and laying on me!
How my partner felt:
Did baby cry right away?: Yes, but for only about 10 seconds. She had such a sweet cry. Then she was quiet for the next 2 hours! I kept saying how amazed I was at how quiet she was!
I was able to hold my baby: right away! And for at least 5 minutes which was absolutely wonderful. I kept kissing her sweet little face even though she was all wet.
How I felt: Complete and shocked it was a girl!
I breastfed my baby: at 3:30am and she latched on right away. I nursed on my left side with a cradle position since that’s my most comfortable side and position.
How I felt: relieved she was able to latch on
The placenta was delivered at: 2:40am
Other highlights: Nathan was the one who announced to me it was a girl which was such a special moment. Someone moved the umbilical cord to the side so he could see her parts and Nathan at first hesitated to say, “it’s a girl” because he wanted to be absolutely sure. Then I checked her myself to make sure he was telling the truth! I really thought I was having another boy.
Who went with the baby to the nursery: I was pushed in a wheelchair (which took quite some time to get me in because my entire right leg was numb) by Nancy and Nathan pushed Zoi in the crib. We didn’t bring her until 4:45am so we got to be with her for over 2 hours! They were going to bring her earlier but because I couldn’t stand from my numb leg we got to wait.
labor memories
The hardest part of labor and delivery was: contractions while Ian was there watching me cry and go through the pain, having the epidural twice and pushing her out.
The best part was: not knowing if it was a girl or boy, holding her on my chest right after she was born.
The most unexpected part was: it’s a girl! 2 epidurals, feeling so much pain, and how quickly my labor was.
The funniest part was: Nathan hesitating to announce it was a girl
The nicest thing my partner did for me: constant support, telling me he’s so proud, dealing with me yelling at him (he called me “Ian” twice while I was pushing which drove me nuts!!), and remaining so calm.
The nicest thing my partner said to me: “I’m so proud of you.”
My message to baby: My dear sweet Zoi, I love you more than words can say. I loved you the moment I saw your beautiful face when I held you in my arms. You melted my heart right then and there and I will always love and cherish you.
Dad’s message:
Text messages after family and friends were informed of Zoi's birth:
Mom: OMG! She is so beautiful! I knew it would be a girl. Are you both ok? I'm so happy for you. I love you! Give her Yaya kisses. Her eyes look just like Ian's. She is soooo beautiful! Can't wait to hold her. I love her so much already. I can't believe you have your little girl. I keep crying cuz I am so so happy for you. She is the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen!
Angela Helge: Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so beyond gorgeous!! I can't believe you have a girl. I am so happy. I will call you later. Love you.
Douglas Craig: She's beautiful and has a beautiful name. Congrats.
Tara Craig: So very excited for you guys! Call when you can :)
Karla Sullivan: She's beautiful. Congrats you two. Hope to see you soon.
Cheryl Foster: Congratulations to you and Nate and big brother Ian. Yippy it's a girl.
Chipper Sullivan: Congrats! My mom just told me, can't wait to meet her!
Sally Foster: Congratulations Becky!! Can't wait to meet her! :)
Lindsey Emerson: Congrats!! Love you guys! Now you guys truly have the best of both worlds ;)
Laura Emerson: I cannot wait to see this beautiful child.
Hilarie Leone: Congratulations! She is so adorable! I want to just eat her up! :) xoxo
Kate Blaszczyk: I hope you and baby Zoi are doing well! So happy for you!!
Melissa Murphy: Hi!!! Congrats! She is BEAUTIFUL, a girl! Yay! :)
Kelsey Mukai: Oh my gosh!!!! A girl!!!! I am so so so happy for you!!!!! Awwww I have the chills! I want to come meet her!
Michael Mukai: Wait you had another baby? I thought you just had a pillow under your shirt
Beth Lamfers: Call me when you can, I'm so excited
Jessica Fennelly: Omg it's a girl? I'm so happy for you! She's so cute!!!
Gail Heneghan: She is absolutely stunning! Hope you are both doing well!
Melanie Moisan: Congrats I heard you had a baby girl! Send a pic!!!
Heather Coppock: She is amazing! And she's a girl!! Now we will have a boy and girl to play together.
Julie Waltz: She is so pretty. And I love her name. Congratulations!
fabulous firsts
First meeting with grandparents: Zoi met Grandma around 1pm the day she was born when she came with Nathan and Ian to the hospital. Then her Yaya visited on Sunday, March 25 and didn’t meet Grandpa until Friday, April 6. Then she met Great-Grandma on Saturday, April 7.
First meeting with other family members: Zoi was sleeping when she first met Ian. He walked into the hospital room and Zoi was asleep in the crib. Ian completely ignored her at first and then later on went over to the crib, threw a stuffed elephant in there and banged on the crib which startled her.
First visitors: Kelsey Mukai was our first hospital visitor followed by Liz Jegasothy.
My baby’s first poop: was March 23 and Nathan was back home with Ian when it happened so I had to change it.
Gifts received in the hospital: Flowers from Hae and flowers from Shiho Kawashima
we're going home!
I took my baby home on: Saturday, March 24 at 12:30pm
The weather was: In the 60’s.
Baby wore: a green sleep n’ play with lady bugs on it that I bought at Target
I wore: the same thing I wore in to the hospital
How I was feeling physically: not too bad. Recovery was a lot easier this time. Just a little uncomfortable when sitting down.
How I was feeling emotionally: A little overwhelmed but absolutely complete having my boy and girl.
Highlights on the way home: Zoi wailed the second I put her in the car seat and for the first half of the drive which caused me to cry. Luckily, Ian didn’t care. Zoi eventually fell asleep once we got on the highway.
When I arrived home, I: nursed Zoi and tried to adjust to life with 2 kids.
There to greet us were: Oliver and Peeka
Reactions of pets: same as before – they didn’t seem too bothered by her
Other things I’d like to remember about baby’s homecoming:
Not so happy to be in her car seat but luckily her screaming didn't bother Ian!