Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stomach bug!

On January 22 (31w, 2d) I felt Baby Due hiccup for the first time while I was taking a bath! I was very happy it was while I was bathing so that I could really concentrate on it and watch my belly move up and down. And Nathan was around so he was able to feel it too.

I've had a few OBGYN appointments since my last blog:
January 23: I weighed in at150 lbs. Yay, I gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks; right on schedule. Dr. Shafi told me to call when my contractions are 5-10min apart. I'll be calling at 10min so that I have enough time to get to the hospital.
And she predicts I will go into labor a week early just like I did with Ian. But how accurate can she predict, really? I'm hoping to go into labor 2 weeks early but we shall see! And the baby's heart rate is at 170 which she says the faster heart rates are usually girls. She is too funny. She is a great doctor.

February 1: This was an unscheduled visit. The night before I was up from 1a-3a with strong contractions. I could not sleep from the pain. Nathan had me go downstairs and watch tv to get my mind off it which did help. Then I woke up at 5a with nausea and major diarrhea. I honestly feared I was in labor. Of course I pull out my book which says in real labor you can experience nausea and diarrhea along with contractions which really got me worried. All of a sudden I'm thinking, where would I bring Ian at this time of day? I don't have any premie diapers or premie clothes... Nathan kept assuring me I was fine and to think positively. When I called my doctor office the next morning, they said I needed to come in and do fetal monitoring. Luckily, Nathan was able to come home from work early to watch Ian so I could go to my appointment -it would have been so hard to watch Ian while strapped to the monitors. When they weighed me I was still 150lbs which surprised me. But I figured it was due to all the diarrhea I had from 5a-12p. An exam was done and Megan Bride (NP) informed me I wasn't dilated. Phew! The fetal monitor showed no signs of concern and I was sent home an hour later with the diagnosis of 'stomach bug.' I was told to keep my feet up and stay hydrated. Phew, not in labor.

February 7: Today I weighed in at 151lbs which surprised me since my stomach bug came back Feb 4 and Feb 5. I had the worst diarrhea I've ever had and was sure that I had lost weight. But Megan said I must have done a good job hydrating myself since I actually gained 1 pound. And the baby sounded great (heart rate at 140) and I was measuring where I'm supposed to. The baby kicked her as she was listening for the heart rate which was funny. Ian is such a doll at my appointments (which Megan even commented on) and loves seeing the fish afterwards (they have a fish tank in the pediatrics dept and the pharmacy).

I had a strange dream: I was in CT and my water broke at 33+ weeks at 2am. Nathan was at his mom's house and not answering his phone so my mom and Angela brought me to the hospital and I was having triplets. Yikes!

My belly button has been half way popped out for a while now and seems to be slowly going further and further out. Nathan keeps telling me it looks like a nose and I think it looks like a dinosaur (at least from my angle). Yuck.

I don't know why but every time Ian touches my belly he has to squish it in. I tell him to be gentle and only rub the baby but he really enjoys pushing my belly in. He has given the baby a couple of kisses here and there which is so adorable. I'll have to get a picture.

Sweet little newborn outfit I bought to take the baby home from hospital in if it's a girl!


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