Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nathan feels baby kick

Anokhi Bock was visiting her in-laws again in MA so I got to bring Ian down to visit with her, Bela and Asha. Turns out Anokhi is also pregnant and due only 4 weeks after me! So it was nice to talk about pregnancy-related things. The second she saw me, she said, "My gosh, I am already so much bigger than you!" Which is funny since I feel like my stomach is huge.

Nathan felt the baby kick on November 18. He has admitted that it kind of freaks him out a little to feel the baby. He says it did last time too. I guess I can see that. But it's so nice that other people can feel these movements too. And I feel like this baby moves around a lot more than Ian did when I  was pregnant with him but it may just be that I notice it more this time. There was one night the baby woke me up in the middle of the night kicking and I couldn't go back to sleep for about 2 hours from all the movements! The baby isn't even born yet and is already keeping me awake in the middle of the night!

Me, Nathan and Ian drove to PA this year to be with Aunt Val and everybody for Thanksgiving. Going on long car trips while pregnant is quite annoying since it's impossible to get comfortable. But we all had a wonderful time and the baby enjoyed the enormous piece of cheese cake I had after my Thanksgiving meal! And Hae finally got to feel the baby kick.

At my November 30 doctor appointment, I was very nervous to step on the scale considering all the Halloween candy I ate as well as the big Thanksgiving dinner. But I was pleasantly surprised when it read 139 pounds. I only gained 3 pounds in 4 weeks! Hurray! Now I'm hoping I continue to gain only 1 pound per week. The baby's heart beat also sounded great at 140. Ian really enjoys listening to it.

My friend, Gail Heneghan had her 3rd baby, Connor, and I got to hold, feed and burp him when he was just over 2 weeks old. It was a little strange holding a baby that little and trying to burp him. Of course, Ian was jealous the whole time I had the baby. He kept tugging on my hand for me to get up and play with him. I hope he's more understanding when his baby brother/sister arrives! But it really was quite amazing to hold little baby Connor. And Melissa Murphy had her 2nd baby, Grace, via c-section just yesterday. I can't wait to meet her and see how Annabelle is as a big sister. All these new babies makes me that much more excited to meet Baby Due!

I am very physically exhausted at this point. Carrying Ian up and down the stairs is a huge chore but he refuses to go down the stairs most of the time. And putting him in his car seat is a work out. I'm going to have to adjust how I do things so I'm not constantly out of breath and feeling like I need to lay down.

20 weeks, 4 days

24 weeks, 2 days

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