Sunday, October 16, 2011

Flew to VA, felt baby kick for 1st time

Being at the 2nd trimester has truly been wonderful. I feel almost back to myself, minus the nasal congestion and breathlessness. Wearing the BellaBand again hasn't been too fun, but I'm not quite ready for maternity clothes. I haven't had any cravings other than chocolate but have been eating a lot of apples and cereal.

On September 30, I had my OBGYN appointment and now weigh 128 lbs. So far I have gained 7 pounds in the 15 weeks. I'm going to try to gain only 1 lb / week from here on out so I don't gain more than 35 pounds. We shall see! It's so much harder this time around because I don't have time to exercise like I did before and I'm not part of a gym anymore. Ian and I will continue with our walks as long as it's not too cold and that's really all the exercise I can count on, unfortunately.

The next day was Pat and Devon's wedding and it was very fun to be around my whole family and for them to see my big 'bump.' When me and Angela posted pictures of the wedding on Facebook I realized I definitely looked pregnant in the pictures so I had to finally put my good news on FB publicly. A couple of people commented, 'I was wondering if you were pregnant because some of those pictures sure looked like it!' There really is no more hiding it now.

I had my second blood test for the serial sequential test on October 5 and got my results on October 11: Less sthan 1 out of 10,000 for Down Syndrome and 1 out of 5,400 for Spinal Bifida. Hurray!!! Those are fantastic results and I was so relieved when I received them. And this time around I didn't have to play phone tag since the nurse called me while I was in VA and I was able to answer the phone. She actually called 3 times that morning since I didn't answer the first 2 times. How great!

On October 8, me, Nathan and Ian went apple picking in New Hampshire. It was definitely a fun time and extra nice to bring Baby Due there in utero. I told Nathan, "Next year at this time we will have 2 kids to bring apple picking!" Thoughts like that light us both up. :)

I felt Baby Due kick for the first time on October 9 while I was on a flight to VA with Ian on my lap!!! The kick was on my left side and it was about 5 minutes after we took off. And then the second time I felt it was on our flight on the way back on October 15. Maybe having Ian on my lap makes the baby move around more! It was a great feeling.

16 weeks, 1 day

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