Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thank goodness for visitors

For the past 3 weeks we had 2 separate visitors come to stay with us: Chris Metzger and Laura Emerson. It not only helped because they were playing with Ian and giving me a break, but I didn't vomit as much as I would had they not been there. There's just something about having people over that makes me not want to vomit while they are there.

On August 10 I had a playdate at Beth Lamfers' house and had no intention of telling her or Jessica Fennelly that I was pregnant. I wore a baggy shirt that hid my bump and everything. But at one point they were talking about me having another baby and Jess asks, "are you pregnant?" How can I lie to them? It was almost a relief to tell them since I hadn't been hanging out nearly as much as I used to. I haven't gone to a single Momtourage event in weeks since most events are in the morning which is my worst time of day.

I have been craving nothing but sweets. Going to the grocery store is the worst because I just buy whatever looks good! Today I bought Twinkies for the first time ever. I'm also buying ice cream, cookies, pizza, donuts and any other sweet that catches my eye. I'm hoping that come the second trimester that craving will diminish and I will crave healthier foods! Right now a couple of things cause my stomach to turn: garlic (just the smell alone), lasagna and the smell of Ian's meatballs.

I had my first OBGYN appointment on August 16 (8.5 weeks pregnant) and it was 1.5 hours! Good thing Laura was here so she could watch Ian. Bringing him with would have been very very difficult. I weighed in at 121 pounds which is smaller than I was when I was pregnant with Ian. I met with Megan Bride, NP who will be on my OB team. She was very nice and extremely thorough. We decided that I will do the 'serial sequential test' again like I did with my first pregnancy to find out the likelihood of this baby being born with down syndrome. Unfortunately, I have to go into Boston for any and all ultrasounds and they only do one at 18 weeks. Thankfully, because of this extra test I'm doing, I'll have the 2 ultrasounds. Megan Bride also prescribed me Folic Acid to take in addition to my prenantal vitamins just for the first trimester. I didn't do that with the first pregnancy but every doctor is different. She said everything looks good so that makes me happy!

We finished painting Ian and Baby Due's new room upstairs. I am very excited to get it all ready since I wasn't able to do that when I was pregnant with Ian. We are going to buy a toddler bed for Ian so that the baby will have the crib. I'm looking forward to bringing out the baby blankets, onesies, and the crib mobile. It's going to be fun going through the 'newborn - 3mo' tub downstairs with all the clothes etc. I'm a little overwhelmed knowing I have to do all this all over again since I have already forgotten so much of it. But I know it will come back to me and between me and Nathan I know we will be fine. Will sure be different though having a toddler running around at the same time! I wish Ian understood what was going on but he is just too young. I wish he understood why I am in the bathroom all the time throwing up and why I am always laying on the couch instead of playing with him and why I don't want him sitting on my tummy. But I know he is going to be an amazing big brother!

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